Project: Create the Pinterest Homepage

Not CompletedPinterest Project Overview and Instructions

This guide describes the website that we'll be building, including a discussion of the tools to utilize and some recommendations on how to build out the project using HTML5, CSS3, and Font Awesome icons.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Creating the HTML structure for the Pinterest homepage

This guide walks through the project solution for building the HTML structure and content for the Pinterest homepage.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Customizing the Navigation Header Styles with CSS

Walk through how to add the CSS styles for the navigation element for the Pinterest homepage project.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Integrating Font Awesome for Website Icons

In this guide we'll walk through how to integrate the Font Awesome library in order to add icons to the Pinterest homepage website.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Styling Font Awesome Icons

In this solution guide we examine the steps needed for styling Font Awesome icons in the Pinterest homepage project.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Styling Pinterest Pins

In this guide we will walk through how to style the Pinterest pins to allow them to fit into each other in a grid style format using CSS styles.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Pinterest Homepage Summary

This guide walks through a summary of the Pinterest homepage project and discusses the code elements that made the solution possible.

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