Building the Menu Page

Not CompletedPopulating the Menu Page with the Two Column Grid

In this section of the course, we are gonna walk through how to build out the menu page. Now, this is gonna be a pretty quick section. And, like I mentioned in the previous video, we actually are gonna build out all of the real functionality for the menu page all in a single video, so that should be pretty cool.

Not CompletedGuide to HTML Bullet Point and Numbered Lists

In this guide, we're going to walk through two different types of lists that you can use in HTML, such as having a list of bullet points, and then we also have the ability to use a numbered list, and I'm going to show you how to use both inside of this guide.

Not CompletedHow to Implement Anchor Tags in HTML

In this guide, we're going to learn how to work with Anchor Links inside of HTML.

Not CompletedOverview of the Before and After Pseudo Selectors in CSS

A common question I get from students relates to the before and after pseudo selectors. And so in this guide, I want to walk through a dead simple explanation for how they work.

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